
Hope Delivered

To date, I have delivered over 200 boxes of hope to Goryeb Children's Hospital in Morristown, NJ. In these boxes are items that I felt were important for someone who was newly diagnosed. Most importantly, there is a Shot Blocker which helps ease the fear and anxiety of needles. My initial goal was to make enough boxes to deliver to newly diagnosed kids for one year (about 100 kids). Now I'm working to make and donate 100 more for the upcoming year. 



Medical alert Bracelets

Insulin dependent silicone bracelets are a great first step towards a medical alert bracelet. They are important visuals to alert caregivers, teachers, family and friends immediately if there is a problem. 



comfort Stuffed Animals

Many kids are instantly comforted by a stuffed animal and it can be healthy for their overall mental well being. Having something that is "theirs" in a hospital can be calming and soothing during a new diagnosis. 



Shot blockers

ShotBlocker is an innovative, patented device that is both simple and easy-to-use.  It instantly reduces needle pain and anxiety associated with injections for young patients.